3,524 research outputs found

    The chiral symplectic universality class

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    We report a numerical investigation of localization in the SU(2) model without diagonal disorder. At the band center, chiral symmetry plays an important role. Our results indicate that states at the band center are critical. States away from the band center but not too close to the edge of the spectrum are metallic as expected for Hamiltonians with symplectic symmetry.Comment: accepted in Proceedings of Localisation 2002 Conference, Tokyo, Japan (to be published as supplement of J. Phys. Soc. Japan

    Multiple crossovers in interacting quantum wires

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    We study tunneling of electrons into and between interacting wires in the spin-incoherent regime subject to a magnetic field. The tunneling currents follow power laws of the applied voltage with exponents that depend on whether the electron spins at the relevant length scales are polarized or disordered. The crossover length (or energy) scale is exponential in the applied field. In a finite size wire multiple crossovers can occur.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Charge-Relaxation and Dwell Time in the fluctuating Admittance of a Chaotic Cavity

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    We consider the admittance of a chaotic quantum dot, capacitively coupled to a gate and connected to two electron reservoirs by multichannel ballistic point contacts. For a dot in the regime of weak-localization and universal conductance fluctuations, we calculate the average and variance of the admittance using random-matrix theory. We find that the admittance is governed by two time-scales: the classical admittance depends on the RC-time of the quantum dot, but the relevant time scale for the weak-localization correction and the admittance fluctuations is the dwell time. An extension of the circular ensemble is used for a statistical description of the energy dependence of the scattering matrix.Comment: 7 pages, RevTeX, 1 figur

    Rectification of displacement currents in an adiabatic electron pump

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    Rectification of ac displacement currents generated by periodic variation of two independent gate voltages of a quantum dot can lead to a dc voltage linear in the frequency. The presence of this rectified displacement current could account for the magnetic field symmetry observed in a recent measurement on an adiabatic quantum electron pump by Switkes et al. [Science 283, 1905 (1999)].Comment: 2 pages, RevTeX; 1 figur

    Near-zero-energy end states in topologically trivial spin-orbit coupled superconducting nanowires with a smooth confinement

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    A one-dimensional spin-orbit coupled nanowire with proximity-induced pairing from a nearby s-wave superconductor may be in a topological nontrivial state, in which it has a zero energy Majorana bound state at each end. We find that the topological trivial phase may have fermionic end states with an exponentially small energy, if the confinement potential at the wire's ends is smooth. The possible existence of such near-zero energy levels implies that the mere observation of a zero-bias peak in the tunneling conductance is not an exclusive signature of a topological superconducting phase even in the ideal clean single channel limit.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Time-delay matrix, midgap spectral peak, and thermopower of an Andreev billiard

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    We derive the statistics of the time-delay matrix (energy derivative of the scattering matrix) in an ensemble of superconducting quantum dots with chaotic scattering (Andreev billiards), coupled ballistically to MM conducting modes (electron-hole modes in a normal metal or Majorana edge modes in a superconductor). As a first application we calculate the density of states ρ0\rho_0 at the Fermi level. The ensemble average ρ0=δ01M[max(0,M+2α/β)]1\langle\rho_0\rangle=\delta_0^{-1}M[\max(0,M+2\alpha/\beta)]^{-1} deviates from the bulk value 1/δ01/\delta_0 by an amount depending on the Altland-Zirnbauer symmetry indices α,β\alpha,\beta. The divergent average for M=1,2M=1,2 in symmetry class D (α=1\alpha=-1, β=1\beta=1) originates from the mid-gap spectral peak of a closed quantum dot, but now no longer depends on the presence or absence of a Majorana zero-mode. As a second application we calculate the probability distribution of the thermopower, contrasting the difference for paired and unpaired Majorana edge modes.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure